Christianity Today Magazine

Sunday, August 18, 2024

"What does it mean to "regard iniquity in my heart"?

What does it mean to regard iniquity in my hear\
"What does it mean to "regard iniquity in my heart"? It means to keep a sin in one's heart, being unwilling to part with it. Such a person knows something is a sin, yet he continues to cherish it. It is not only a weakness in conduct or appearance but also a craving in the heart"
see Psalm 66.18

Friday, August 9, 2024

"Our Most Powerful Weapons Are Spiritual | N.A.P. 

"Paul also wrote this: "For though we live in the world [or, in the flesh], we do not wage war as the world [or, the flesh] does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world [or, of the flesh]. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3–5. NIV)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Cowering Christianity " 

"Our culture has been seized by the Evil One and most of Christianity is looking for evacuation rather than occupation. Jesus never ran from fights…He picked them. He asked us to do likewise. It is called the Great Commission!

GO YE…not HIDE YE! "Teach them to observe all I have commanded you and Lo, I am with you always even until the end of the age..."

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I hate to bust your bubble buddy about PREDESTINATION, but ...

I hear radio preachers etc regularly bash so-called "Calvinists" about predestination. Hate to inform them but MOST of us Calvinists (those from the Reformed denominations) RARELY dwell upon predestination. It's something taught a few times periodically growing up & that's about it. We don't sit around and talk about being ' predestined'

"If You Won’t Listen To The Lord For His Blessings, You Will Listen To Him In His Judgments "- The Washington Standard

Monday, June 17, 2024

Are secular lefty activist targeting the Christian Reformed Church ?

The @CRCNA for those who don't know is the Christian Reformed Church North America and they have a Synod every year which is kind of comparable to the way Congress works. There are motions & agendas &time to speak for or against etc. they also live stream with 20 minute delay to YouTube, & allow commentary.

 However, they are those with a lefty agenda who have discovered they can propagandize via commentary against the conservative agenda of the CRC. And the same Lefty activists also will false flag conservative commentary making it more likely that conservatives get blocked by the moderator despite the CRC being a historically conservative denomination. 

 Fortunately however on this important motion tonight the spirit of wisdom prevailed, praise the Lord. I was praying mightily for it to happen.

Meanwhile I hope somebody can reach out to the YouTube moderator (an unnamed CRC staff member) & let them know that they're being played like a puppet by these Lefty activists. (Or, God forbid,  that this moderator him or herself is a lefty activist πŸ‘Ž). 

It's sort of like that cake bakery that refused to bake or design a cake celebrating gay marriage. The gay activists keep going back to him and still do trying to get him into legal trouble, even though there's hundreds of other bakeries who would gladly make them whatever kind of cake they want. 

I'm afraid this is what these activists are trying to do to the CRC. There are numerous denominations especially Presbyterians and Methodist now who welcome any kind of marriage even the pastors can be gay. These activists  insist & demand that the CRC comply as well. Even though  they could go to a presbyterian or Methodist half a mile away. 

"Experts discover earliest record of Jesus' childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript |"

"The 2,000-year-old papyrus - a material that predates paper - tells the lesser-known story of the 'vivification of the sparrows,' when the five-year-old Messiah is said to have turned clay pigeons into live birds, a tale also referred to as the 'second miracle.." 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Is Caesar Nero the 666 of the Bible?

"Preterist theologians typically support the interpretation that 666 is the numerical equivalent of the name and title Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor 54–68 AD). Written in Aramaic, this can be valued at 666 using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, and was used to secretly speak against the emperor..." 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

In Christ ✝️

In Christ, new Hope
ignites 🧨 its Flame, πŸ”₯ 
Eternal light ☀️ 
no darkness tames
With arms outstretched✝️
His love unfurled,
He brings new life 
 to All the world 🌎 

In every heart, πŸ’“ 
 a song 🎢 resounds,
A melody of grace abounds🎡 
From depths of doubt, 
He lifts us high,
On wings of Faith,
we learn to Fly πŸ•Š️ 

In Him, our fears 
find sweet release🎈
In His embrace, 
we find our Peace πŸ™
So let us walk
in faith's bright glow πŸŒ„
With Christ, our Savior, 
we shall Grow 🌱

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Prayer by ChatGPT πŸ™✝️ (per my command)

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging Your sovereignty and power over all things, including the forces of darkness led by Satan. We recognize the pervasive influence of evil in our world and the harm it inflicts upon Your creation. We beseech You to protect us from the schemes and temptations of the enemy.

Lord, we declare the wickedness of Satan and his minions, who seek to deceive, destroy, and sow chaos in our lives and communities. We ask for Your divine intervention to thwart their plans and expose their lies.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we command every demon and evil spirit to flee from every sphere of influence—be it our homes, workplaces, schools, governments, or any other realm. We proclaim Your authority over all principalities and powers, knowing that nothing can stand against Your might.

Grant us discernment to recognize the tactics of the enemy and the strength to resist them. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in righteousness and truth, shining as beacons of Your love and grace in a darkened world.

May Your light dispel the darkness, and Your peace reign supreme in every heart. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Wow. Times have changed #GoodFriday ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

Wow. Times have changed
#GoodFriday ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️☝️

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Written by chat GPT

"In Christian theology and tradition, angels are often categorized into several hierarchies or orders based on their roles, duties, and proximity to God. While different religious traditions may have variations in their classifications, the following are commonly recognized categories of angels:

1. **Seraphim**: Described as the highest order of angels, often depicted as fiery beings surrounding the throne of God and praising Him continually.

2. **Cherubim**: Often depicted as winged creatures with multiple faces, cherubim are associated with guarding sacred spaces and serving as bearers of God's divine presence.

3. **Thrones**: Also known as "Ophanim," thrones are believed to support and uphold God's divine justice and authority.

4. **Dominions**: These angels are associated with governance and rule, exercising authority over other angelic beings.

5. **Virtues**: Often depicted as powerful spirits responsible for maintaining the natural order and performing miracles.

6. **Powers**: These angels are believed to combat evil and protect against spiritual and physical threats.

7. **Principalities**: Associated with overseeing and guiding nations, regions, and groups of people.

8. **Archangels**: Generally considered messengers or heralds of God's will, archangels often play significant roles in delivering important messages or fulfilling specific tasks.

9. **Angels**: The lowest order of angels, they are typically regarded as messengers or guardians assigned to protect and guide individuals.

It's important to note that these categories are based on theological interpretations and may vary across different religious traditions within Christianity. Additionally, some traditions may not adhere to a strict hierarchy of angels or may have alternative classifications."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

New Hope In CHRIST, by cgpt

In the darkest night, a glimmer bright, ☀️
A beacon of hope, a guiding light.
In CHRIST we find a love profound,
A grace that lifts us when we're down.

With every dawn πŸŒ…, a fresh start,
A chance to mend a broken heart πŸ’”❤️
In His embrace, we find our way,
With strength πŸ’ͺ to face another day.

Through trials deep & valleys low,
In CHRIST, we find the strength to grow.
With faith ✝️as our compass 🧭, we boldly roam,For in His love ❤️, we find our home.

So let us sing with joyful voice, 🎢🎡
In CHRIST, we find our true rejoice.
With every step, our souls align,
In Him, New hope & peace πŸ•Š️ we find.

Friday, December 8, 2023

EXCEPT for WITNESSING:"Do NOT be yoked together with unbelievers.


"Do NOT be yoked 
together with unbelievers. 
For what do righteousness & wickedness have in common? 
Or what fellowship 
can light πŸ’‘have with 

           -2 Cor 6:14

Monday, October 16, 2023

"Cataphatic theology uses "positive" terminology to describe or refer to the divine – specifically, God –

"CATAPHATIC theology or kataphatic theology is theology that uses "POSITIVE" terminology to describe or refer to the divine – specifically, God – i.e. terminology that describes or refers to what the divine is Believed To Be, in contrast to the "negative" terminology used in apophatic theology to indicate what it is believed the divine is not..."

Apophatic theology, also known as negative theology,

"APOPHATIC theology, also known as negative theology,[1] is a form of theological thinking and religious practice which attempts to approach God, the Divine, by NEGATION, to speak only in terms of what may NOT be said about the perfect goodness that is God..."

Friday, October 13, 2023

PeaceπŸ•Š️ I leave with you, My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; NOT as the world 🌎gives.

PeaceπŸ•Š️ I leave with you, 
My ✝️ PEACE I give to you; 
NOT as the world 🌎gives.
 Let not your heart ❤️
be troubled, 
Nor afraid.
             -John 14:27

Monday, October 9, 2023

"When asked what Jesus Christ is to him, rock legend Alice Cooper replied, “... EVERYTHING!”

"When asked what Jesus Christ is to him, rock legend Alice Cooper replied, "Well, I mean, EVERYTHING!"

"I mean, you know, we're not here without him," he continued. "Most people I know, young people, think Jesus Christ is a swear word. They have no idea who Jesus Christ is."

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Let NOT your heart ❤️ be troubled 🚫

Let not your heart 
be troubled; 
you believe in God, 
believe also in Me.
       -John 14:1

Sunday, October 1, 2023

By this All will Know that you are My followers:

By this All will Know
 that you are My followers:
if you Love (agape)
 One Another.
       .. -John 13:35

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

with All your heart, πŸ’œ

You shall LOVE πŸ’œ
 the Lord
 your God 
with All your heart, 
with ALL your soul, 
with All your strength,
 & with All your mind,'
 & 'your neighbor as yourself.' "
                  -Luke 10:27

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World"

Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World

Jesus came to me and told me that I have to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him," Landon shared. "I just want people to realize that Jesus is real, there is a heaven, there are angels. And to follow His word and the Bible, and life does get better at the end."

Monday, September 4, 2023

"North Korean Christians report acts of healing"

Foley tells the story of a North Korean couple who experienced healing. The husband was a Christian, but the wife didn't even know it yet.

She became sick, and he taught her to pray for healing. Foley says, "She thought was the craziest thing she ever heard. And she did it and she was healed. She asked her husband, what was that about? What does that mean? And he was able to tell her about the Lord."

Friday, August 18, 2023

"At the Beginning of Creation God made male & female. ‘

"At the Beginning of Creation God made male & female. 'For this reason a man will leave his parents & be united to his wife, & the two will become One flesh.' So they are no longer two, but One flesh. Therefore what God has joined together let no one separate"
                                    -Mark 10:6

Friday, August 11, 2023

JESUS said unto them:

JESUS said unto them

'Whosoever will come
 after Me, 
let him deny himself, 
& take up his cross, 
& follow Me.
                    - Mark 8:34

Saturday, July 15, 2023

my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task

Me too πŸ‘

"I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of Testifying to the Good News of GOD'S Grace.'
                     Acts 20:24

Friday, June 9, 2023

Unopened presents 🎁, Unopened PRESENCE ✝️

Unopened presents 🎁,
Unopened PRESENCE ✝️

You don't have, because
You don't ask πŸ™
James 4.2

Discover the presents of God,
Discover the PRESENCE of God

Friday, May 26, 2023

-Matt 16:25

For whosoever 
will Save his life 
shall Lose it: 
and whosoever
 will Lose his life
 for My Sake
 shall Find it.
      .... -Matt 16:25

Friday, May 12, 2023

Can no longer say gay is sinful? "Put in Jail if You Speak About Jesus?' Preacher Battles Back in Bible Verse Case "

"The lesbian couple reportedly sought a restraining order over the assertion the verses and postings were threatening, though Penkoski has denied that claim. A five-year protective order was granted by a judge after the couple expressed fears over their safety...'

"He can be put in jail, fined, taken away if he says anything in terms of Bible verses or anything dealing with these LGBT people that felt threatened by one of the Bible verses," Whitehead said. "He never approached anybody physically or contacted them directly. He just posted on social media."

Saturday, May 6, 2023

"In India, 98% of the 1.4 billion people don’t follow Jesus Christ. "

"In India, 98% of the 1.4 billion people don't follow Jesus Christ. It's not because they heard the Gospel and rejected it. Most Indians have no idea who Jesus is....India needs more church planters, but there are challenges.."

"Desperation Spikes in Myanmar – and Faith Grows"

"Such aid opens hearts to hear the gospel. The leader of another native ministry said he was recently able to provide rice and cooking oil as well as God's Word to 43 needy families..."

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Wow. Awesome πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²✝️ Every classroom shall display a copy of the Ten Commandments."

Wow. Awesome πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²✝️
  "The plan, Senate Bill 1515, explains, "a public elementary or secondary school shall display in a conspicuous place in each classroom of the school a durable poster or framed copy of the Ten Commandments."


ASK, & it shall be given you; 
SEEK, & ye shall find; 
KNOCK, & it shall be 
opened unto you.
                      -Matthew 7:7

Friday, April 14, 2023

New chapter of the Bible discovered! But ...

'This discovery is highly interesting, but it isn't ground-breaking in isolation, mostly because the newly identified text is only fragmentary parts of Matthew 11-12,' Dr Allen told MailOnline.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The POWER of the CROSS

"We may not have beheld the crucifixion and the events of Calvary firsthand, but we are told these truths in the Word of God and are faced with the POWER of the Cross. The Cross revealed that God did not intend for Satan and sin to have victory over mankind and He provided a solution.."

", the key to true power is perseverance in private prayer. Prayer prevails. .."

"Yet there is something far more powerful than the pen, and that is prayer. In fact, the key to true power is perseverance in private prayer. Prayer prevails. Prayer produces. Prayer is preeminent. God calls us to persistent prayer...

Sunday, April 9, 2023

"Have you read 'The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament' yet?"

#HappyEaster 2023 πŸŒ…❤️✝️"He is not here, He's risen. #GoodNews πŸ™πŸ™‚

"He is not here, He's RISEN. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee  that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men & be crucified & ON THE 3RD DAY RISE

 They remembered His words & returning from the tomb they told others the #GoodNews πŸ™πŸ™‚

Prayers for America πŸ‡±πŸ‡·

Friday, April 7, 2023

#GoodFriday ✝️, HE himself bore our sins in his body ON THE TREE, #PrayerAndFasting

#GoodFriday ✝️
 HE himself bore our sins in His body ON THE TREE, that we might die to sin and LIVE To Righteousness. By HIS wounds we have been Healed.
                  -1 Peter 2:24


Friday, March 31, 2023

“Nero Caesar” translated into Hebrew is NRON QSRN, which adds up to 666 ( six hundred & sixty-six)."

"That John of Patmos was thinking about Nero finds support in verse 13:8, which reads:

Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

The Greek name "Nero Caesar" translated into Hebrew is NRON QSRN, which adds up to six hundred and sixty-six (666)."

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The truth is, an older generation HATES the Gen X'ers.

The truth is, an older generation HATES the Gen X'ers. The older generation is still in control. Gen X'ers are almost 60 now. When we were 20 we were told we would have a voice at 40. At 40 they still called us kiddo and "Oh you're so young"..

 At 60 the older gen looks at us with contempt wishing we would disappear. And too many have. You don't find many Gen X'ers at church, or if they are, they are quiet as a church mouse knowing the older gen can crush them at any moment. 

God will hold you accountable no matter how often you attend church. Christians is a relay race. We're in it together. But if you don't hand off the baton and let others run a lap, it's a one-man race. God will hold you alone.accountable for all the things that are supposed to be done collectively. That's. A lot of responsibility. You want it. You got it. Good luck.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

from Doug’s bestseller,: " Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass "

"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice." – Psalm 68:1-

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"They no longer will recognize the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion.

", a worldwide group of conservative Anglican archbishops announced in a letter Monday that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion..."

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven

Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Malachi 3:10

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Call to me and I will answer you and ..

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

"Everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD

Everyone who calls on the
 Name of the LORD 
will be Saved."
            Romans 10:13

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

In Christ JESUS we are ALL children of God thru FAITH, πŸ’—πŸ™

"So in Christ JESUS we are ALL children of God thru FAITH, for all of us who were baptized into CHRIST have clothed ourselves With Christ."
         Galatians 3:26-27

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Josh Allen "I haven't been the most devoted Christ-follower, ... but something got hold of me there, .."

God works in mysterious ways

Josh Allen re Damar Hamlin
"I'll be the first to admit, I haven't been the most devoted Christ-follower, in my life, and I've had my different beliefs and thoughts and ideas ... but something got hold of me there, and it was [something] extremely powerful that ... I couldn't deny..."

Sunday, January 8, 2023

After Job had prayed for his friends,

After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

How Catholics could help themselves ALLEVIATE the Mother Mary confusion πŸ™

Catholics often object to Protestants accusing them of PRAYING TO MARY rather than to Jesus and God.

& the intercessor explanation  makes sense. However they themselves cause the confusion by saying "I'm praying TO MARY" 

They should say they R
 praying TO God, πŸ™

Friday, December 23, 2022

"How The Hymns Of Christmas Teach Right Doctrine

Tis The Season For "The Mystery Of Jesus From Genesis To Revelation" Christology: How The Hymns Of Christmas Teach Right Doctrine

Friday, December 9, 2022

Re Women & their Purses πŸ‘› or Handbags at Church

Could the church please post messages and/or preach to the women about NOT bringing their purses with them. Some women consciously or unconsciously use their purses or handbags as status objects. And they will move it to one side or another to show their trust or distrust. This has no place in the church that should feel welcoming. 

And it gets ridiculous at times. I saw a regular parishioner who happens to be very wealthy sit down & watched a woman in the same pew eye him distrustfully and move her purse to the other side of her body. This man has no intention or need to steal her πŸ‘› purse. It's self-serving and self-righteous virtue signaling by the lady, the opposite of why we call ourselves Christians or Catholics. 

This is not a  Jewish synagogue for those who are justified by law, but a church for those justified by grace, faith, & trust, with the help of God & fellow believers. Ladies: if you have trouble trusting others, or men in particular, leave your purse πŸ‘› in the car or on the trunk if you're afraid of a break-in as well. 

As far as I know there has NEVER been a case of purse snatching inside the church and there's a security guard who drives around the parking lot now during the services and all day and I don't even know of any cases of a break-in to a vehicle.  

So if the chances of having your purse πŸ‘› stolen  are almost zero is it  fair to treat every single person,or male,  as a potential  purse snatcher. And sadly to say in some cases the distrust is by ethnic women towards white males born and raised here. That's NOT fair to good American men just because they are white and born in the USA. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Sign of health πŸ‘ "Nearly 150 Texas churches voted to leave the United Methodist Church "

"Nearly 150 Texas churches voted to leave the United Methodist Church during the Northwest Texas Annual Conference of United Methodist Churches (UMC) over disagreements concerning the church's position on gay marriage, according to the Texas Tribune..."

Sunday, November 27, 2022

" LET your light SHINE before others, so that they may see your good works & give Glory to your Father who is in heaven "

" LET your light SHINE before others, so that they may see your good works & give Glory to your Father who is in heaven "
             -Matt 5.16-

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

πŸ‘"newly formed conservative denomination known as the Global Methodist Church. ".

"Many are heading for the newly formed conservative denomination known as the Global Methodist Church. The new denomination was established by former conservative leaders from the UMC. It follows a biblical New Testament doctrine that does not recognize same-sex marriage..."

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

"Henan Holds Sermon Competition on Sinicization of Christianity |" Persecution

"12 preachers from churches in different cities across the province participated in this competition, where they crafted sermons based on "The Bible and the Sinicization of Christianity", "Sacraments and the Sinicization of Christianity", "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture and the Sinicization of Christianity", and "Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-epidemic Era"..." 

"Moody: If this is Death it is Sweet"

"American evangelist Dwight L. Moody famously said that someday folks would read about his death in the newspaper. But to not believe it because those born in the Spirit would very much be alive – with Christ in heaven and for eternity. Truer words have never been spoken according to God's promises to us in Scripture..." 

"Faith over fear: God is more powerful than charms - "

"Mozambique (MNN) — The Lord is moving powerfully among the Deaf in Mozambique. DOOR International's Benard Thuku says many Mozambican Deaf live in fear of the spirit world..." 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

some of the courses I've completed at various academic institutions over my lifetime

Fuller Seminary:

American Church History (CH506)

Exegetical Method (NE502)

New Testament II Acts to Revelation (NS501)

Systematic Theology II:

Christology/Soteriology (ST502)

Pastoral Counseling (CN520) (Hammer)

New Testament I: The Gospels (NS500)

Pentateuch (OT501)

Systematic Theology I (ST501)(Miroslav Volf)

Book of Acts (NE516)

Writings (OT504) The course covers the books in the third section of the Hebrew scriptures: Psalms, Job, Proverbs, the Scrolls (Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, and Esther), Daniel, Ezra‐Nehemiah, and Chronicles”.

Spirituality of the Psalms (OT572)

Hebrew Prophets (OT502)

Systematic Theology III (ST503)

Foundation of Ministry II (GM504)

Pauline Theology (NS531)

Person & Practice of Ministry (PM511)

Preaching II (PR511)

Christian Ethics (ET501)

New Testament Exegesis: Hebrews (NE506)

Book of Amos (OT521)

Homiletics (PR500)

Discipleship, Secular Society (ET533)

Beginning Hebrew (LG502)

Worship in a Jewish Context (MR529)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (ST572)

Ethics of Pastoral Care (CN552)

Foundations of Ministry (GM503)

Aramaic (LG525)

Book of Jeremiah (OT516)

Apologetics (PH508)

Preaching (PR511)

Missiology Integration (MI520)

Theories of Human Nature (PH505)

Calvin Seminary:

Ethics (531A)

Church History (311A, 312A, 313A)

Missions (801A, 862A, 802A)

Worship (650A) Teaching Ministry (750A)

Theology (411A) Church & Ministry (602A)

Chaminade University

of Honolulu

Anthropology (An200)

Biology & Lab 101

Judaism (Religion 480)

Speech (sp140)

 Calvin College (University):

Psychology of Education (Educ 301)

Intro to Teaching (Educ 303)

 Reading Content, secondary (Educ 307)

Reading Strategies, secondary  (Educ 308)

Philosophy of Education (Phil 209)

Survey of English Literature (Engl 202)

Literature of the USA II (Engl 311)

Recent British & American Literature (Engl319)

History of English Language (Engl330)

Aerobic Aquatics (PE 111) (Timmer)

Solzhenitsyn (Engl W50) (Ericson)

Directed Teaching, secondary (Engl346)

Semester Student Teacher (Engl359)

Shakespeare (Engl303)

Modern Math (Math 100, Zwier)

Developmental Psychology (Psy201, Weaver)

Motivational Psychology (Psy330)

Recreational Leadership (Recr303)

Intro: History of Art (Art231)

Western Civilization (Hx101, Bratt)

Intro to Philosophy (Phil153, Mouw)

Intro to Psychology (Psy151, Terborg)

Sociology of Prisons (Soc W52)

Micro Economics (Econ221)

Written Rhetoric (Engl100 Baron)

Social Psychology (Psy310)

Biblical Theology (Rel103, Hoeks)

Christian Perspectives on learning (CPOL W10)

Growing Up Wholly/Holy (W11, Sloat)

Business Management & Organization (Bus360)

Business Marketing (Bus380)

Macro Economics (Econ222)

History of Cinema (Engl251)

Intellectual History of the USA (NA)

Therapeutic Exercise (NA)

Psychopathology (Psy212)

Statistics (Psy250)

American Religious History (Rel304)

Spanish Culture (interim)

Semester in Spain (Spanish 101-102, 103-104)

Weight Training (PE114)

Physical Science (Phys110)

Organizational Psychology (Psy301)

History of Psychology (Psy306)

Downhill Skiing (PE150)

Reformed Bible College (RBC)

 (now Kuyper College):

Biblical Greek I & II (BBL 510-511, Bremer)

California State 

Long Beach 

Masters of Social Work 

One Semester completed:

 S W-500-004 Found Gen SW Prac

S W-503-001 Behave& Env-CR-Cult

S W-505-001 Oppres GRPS: Policy

S W-550-001 Computer/Soc Serv

S W-596A-002  Field Instruct I

( St Mary’s Long Beach Emergency Room)



High School: 

Grand Rapids Christian High

Junior High:

 Millbrook Christian, Grand Rapids MI


Alger Public & Seymour Christian, 

Grand Rapids MI