In the beginning, God's voice did ring,
Creating the heavens and earth—everything.
The earth was formless, empty, and deep,
Darkness lay over waters asleep.
The Spirit of God hovered near,
Then spoke a command, strong and clear:
"Let there be light!" And light did shine,
God saw it was good, by design.
He split the light from dark that day,
Calling them "night" and "day" to stay.
Evening and morning marked day one,
God's creation had begun.
Next, God declared, "Let a vault divide,
The waters below from those on high."
The vault was called "sky," wide and blue,
Day two came as the evening grew.
On the third day, He spoke once more,
"Let land arise and waters pour.
The dry ground 'land,' the waters 'seas,'
All of it good, it did please."
Then plants were born, lush and green,
Seed-bearing wonders, a fruitful scene.
Each one unique, a marvelous kind,
Evening and morning, day three aligned.
God said, "Let lights fill the vault on high,
To mark sacred times, days, and sky.
A greater light for the day so bright,
A lesser light and stars for the night."
The sun and moon took their place,
God saw them good in time and space.
Evening and morning, day four complete,
God's creation was a wondrous feat.
Next, waters teemed with creatures grand,
And birds took flight across the land.
The seas and skies were filled with life,
God saw their goodness, free from strife.
He blessed them, "Be fruitful, fill the earth,
Multiply greatly, proclaim your worth."
Evening and morning marked day five,
Creation continued, vibrant, alive.
Then God said, "Let the land bring forth,
Creatures of all kinds—prove their worth.
Wild beasts, livestock, each would thrive,
Crawling creatures came alive."
God saw it was good, all creatures made,
In His design, His glory displayed.
Then came mankind, His special art,
Made in His image, set apart.
"Let them rule the earth and seas,
O'er sky and land, as they please.
Be fruitful, multiply, fill this space,
Stewards of My holy place."
Male and female, God did create,
With blessings to grow and dominate.
He gave them plants and trees to eat,
For every creature, food complete.
God saw His work, both great and good,
All was perfect, as it should.
Evening and morning, the sixth day done,
Creation rested under the sun.