Christianity Today Magazine

Monday, July 18, 2016

THIS WAS DESPICABLE re "white power" by thao nguyen 2/4/16 stanford

 re "white power" by thao nguyen 2/4/16 stanford director martha rynberg, advisor helen paris, consulting director amy kilgard...this was one of the most insulting, offensive, gut-wrenching, slap-in-the face, blasphemous, anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-white productions i have ever seen in my life, having stumbled upon it one evening just looking for something interesting around stanford university. very offensive and should not have been allowed at the university. If a person tried to do the same thing in reverse towards vietnamese people or towards buddhism it would have caused the student to be expelled, but because it was against america against whites against Christianity and against Catholicism it needs to be "tolerated" . disgusting, despicable. it was a one-student performance  by thao nguyen and she compared the image of the virgin mary to a sexually suggestive body part, among many other disgusting things, to despicable to be repeated here. apparently she is also lesbian so she used it to promote her sexual orientation and bash traditional values. 

If u declare with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 
that God raised Him from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
Romans 10.9