they do yoga at neighborhood church malaga cove...that's not to say yoga necessarily is evil or anti-Christian, but there are some concerns that need to be addressed, here is one of them:
"Now 46, Christian speaker/author Laurette Willis tells everyone she meets about the dangers of yoga. The Oklahoma resident addresses groups across the country, speaking from personal experience and her knowledge as a certified personal trainer and aerobics instructor. She's developed a prominent presence on the Internet, largely due to her new exercise program, PraiseMoves, which she calls "a Christian alternative to yoga." She shares her testimony on the website ( in a pull-no-punches style, and responds to numerous e-mails—some curious, others critical of her stance on yoga. Additionally, she posts comments on the message boards of other fitness and religion websites. She's also self-published a book and video about PraiseMoves...."
LET US PRAY that whoever does yoga as a Christian does it in a way that is MINDFUL of Christ as Savior...and perhaps use it as a means to become closer to God and not submit, consciously or unconsciously, to any "new age" aspects of the practice ..