3/12/14 ATHEISTS FORCE ANOTHER CROSS REMOVAL, (but Christians get the last laugh) search:ann marie devaney,laurie howanec,anthony, ;*read more at
"...On Thursday the council ruled that the
crosses must come down. Ann Marie
Devaney arrived at the site early to
mourn her son, hours before she removed
the tribute. “It’s so petty and sad that
they have to complain over removing a
cross,” she said. “It’s his personal
preference that he was Christian. What’s
wrong with having a cross up?”...
There is a vaguely optimistic footnote to
the story: Minutes after Devaney
dismantled the crosses, outraged residents
erected six more in their place. They were
crudely made using slats of plywood, and
each boasted a hand-written sign. “What
happened to freedom?” one of them read.
Another had the simple message “RIP Dear
"...Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.." 1 Corinthians 12:3
,posted by vk
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