Christianity Today Magazine

Saturday, April 23, 2016

I SAY MUSLIMS WORSHIP 1/3 OF OUR GOD "Miroslav Volf of Yale, or Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani " Frontpage Mag

Muslims may have the same God but only one third of our God because they do not believe in the son Jesus Christ nor the Holy Spirit. Which actually makes them closer to Judaism. And of course Jewish people and Christians do worship the same God but again if they do not know Jesus Christ and do not have the Spirit, They only have one third of our God. And what separates Muslims From Jewish have half of our Bible while Muslims have none of our Bible. They have a false Bible called the Koran. And without the true Bible they cannot know the fullness of our God so once again that diminishes the one third of our God even to less than 1/3. Thus the god that Muslims worship depends on which interpretation of Islam they follow & could vary from a radical violent Jihad God or a semi-caring God , and the list goes on. Where is Christians have a much closer unity in knowing God because almost all of our knowledge of God comes from the Bible as opposed to personal Visions or encounters with God. And so even though there is a lot of fluctuation between various Christian denominations and certain social issues etc we still come to the same conclusion in general about our God Father Son and Holy Spirit being a loving caring God who certainly forbids murder and the other Ten Commandments r very clear, albeit apparently in some interpretations of Islam murder isn't even forbidden, in fact it encourages it according to some Islam interpretations of the radicals. I actually had Miroslav volf as a professor at Fuller Seminary about a year before he left for Yale. He's very thoughtful intellectual type of person.nice enough, but maybe wrong in this regard, unless he's taking this approach for Evangelical purposes other than theological purity.

"... he founded and directs the Yale Center For Faith and Culture. His specialty is proclaiming that Christians and Muslims "worship the same god," even though, apparently, this conclusion is based on a distinctly one-sided investigation, for he blandly announces that he arrived at his conclusions by "studying Christian theological sources…also the great thinkers of the Christian faith," but ..."
