Christianity Today Magazine

Saturday, April 2, 2016


THAT WAS SO FUNNY...he came up to me after he spoke at mass (not shown here...this is at his schedule speech)...but he was at the mass the day before & I just poked my head in and I often do...because of my pain & health issues...can't stay still for very long. ...and I was walking back to my car and he was leaving alone before the mass ended...and he said "Are you coming to the mission, sir?" He didn't know that I am a Christian evangelist and a fervent church attender. he was speaking to me as if I was a nominal Christian just barely attending mass. Ha Ha, so wrong. And he didn't know that I am also educated like him, even more than him (BA/BA/M.DIV),  but I didn't want to show him up. I went along with his premise and said "I might come tomorrow" ( he was here for a 3-day "mission" as they call it in the catholic church). He's from Iowa. I mentioned I was born there. He said something about my sunglasses. The next day I poked my head in and saw him speaking. God bless him. He was trying hard, working the crowd. These people need to wake up. I never see an evangelical Catholic. These people go to church regularly and faithfuly stand, sit, and kneel, and say all the right words at all the right times, but rarely will you find them being evangelical. IT's almost as if their faith time is their faith time (ie at church) and that's private, and outside of the church, they just live a private everything is private. Catholics wake up ! You cannot be saved by taking the eucharist every day or week. You can't be saved by good works, but if you are saved, good works will be evident . You will show evidence that you care about people and about trying to reach people with the good news of JEsus Christ. Lack of that is evidence that you are not saved, not being saved. Being a good church attendee will not save you.It should help, but if you are not sincverely practicing your faith outside of the church, you are like the Pharisees & Saducees who put all their faith in being a good practicing member of the synagogue, nothing more, nothing less. But Jesus told them they were wrong...they had become legalistic...there was no joy, no love. They were leading others astray as well.  You must have the fruit of the Spirit !  YOu must live your faith