Christianity Today Magazine

Monday, February 22, 2016

Fwd: sample of st dominics "ministry book", and prayer for Fr Hurley

I WAS ABLE to stop in at st dominics during the walk for life west coast week in san francisco. Fr. Hurley is still there. He may be planning on being a "lifer" at st dominics. I get the feeling he's protective of his "turf" at st dominics. I can tell because he literally looks out on the congregation with that 100-yard stare, and seems to see you individually even if you are way in the back. He knows everything that's happening. Sometimes that sort of pastor makes me feel a bit intimidated. I am usually more comfortable in a setting where people are NOT so-well known...where you can mix in even if you are not a regular. But each to his own. Let us keep Fr. Hurley in prayer and let him know he is loved and we will support him no matter how long or short his tenure is at st dominics. Let us all be respectful and kind to each other as the body of Christ unified