Christianity Today Magazine

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fwd: i spent an entire day at a conference about the need to keep supporting ISRAEL.

i spent an entire day at a conference about the need to keep supporting ISRAEL. To be more specific, the conference was aimed at evangelical Christians , and the need of Israel for evangelical Christian support. One of the organizations is CUFI (a great organization) . 

They informed us that there are anti-Israel forces chipping away at evangelical Christians...trying to make young evangelicals (millenials) believe that Jesus was not Jewish; and that the Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims are the victims, and Israel the aggressor against them, etc etc. I am an evangelical Christian and have ALWAYS been pro-Israel. It's not an option . It's a mandate . 

We are "Judeo-Christians" and even though Jews do not (yet) believe in Jesus Christ, they are our brothers & sisters, not our enemy. So I ask for your prayers for our young Christians who are being misled by nefarious forces.

 We MUST continue to support and pray for our Jewish brothers & sisters and the land of Israel . Hear our prayer! 


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9