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Monday, January 25, 2016


[I personally believe wholeheartedly in the Trinity & all other Christian doctrines]

SOUNDS QUITE EXTREME TO US IN THIS DAY & AGE; & MAKES JOHN CALVIN SEEM QUITE HARSH (& may be part of the reason for so much anti-Calvinism today,but most Calvinists today as far as I know as well do not agree with execution of anybody for diasagreeing with Christian doctrine. Nonetheless,Christian doctrine is still the only solid & sound way of understanding & explaining the central themes of the Bible. Nonetheless,there were also other aspects about the trial of Servetus which were peculiar.
"9] In the case the
procureur général (chief public prosecutor) added
some curious-sounding accusations in the form of
inquiries—the most odd-sounding perhaps being,
"whether he has married, and if he answers that he
has not, he shall be asked why, in consideration of his
age, he could refrain so long from marriage." [27] To
this oblique imputation about his sexuality, Servetus
replied that rupture (inguinal hernia ) had long since
made him incapable of that particular sin. Another
question was "whether he did not know that his
doctrine was pernicious, considering that he favours
Jews and Turks , by making excuses for them, and if he
has not studied the Koran in order to disprove and
controvert the doctrine and religion that the Christian
churches hold, together with other profane books,
from which people ought to abstain in matters of
religion, according to the doctrine of St. Paul ."
Calvin believed Servetus deserved death on account of
what he termed as his "execrable blasphemies". ..."