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Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The notion that we should just "put up AND shut up" with everybody and everything in our vicinity is offensive. The phrase "co-exist" is sort of a new age idea that we need to all just "get along" and "survive" or "exist" together alngside. But just "existing" in this short life is NOT what I signed up for, especially in the "civilized" world. A lot of us have much HIGHER aspirations than just existing. Just existing or co-existing means we get along at the bare minimum. We don't discuss important matters. We barely say hello because it might offend somebody.  That's NOT what America is about. I don't know where the co-exist bandwagon began but I am definitely NOT on it. And I don't think that's what GOD wants for us either. In fact, it's because I am a Christian that co-exist seems so offensive. Being Christian and part of the body of Christ means excellence and good community, where people talk and care about eachother, not just barely survive alongside one another. Forget co-exist, start LIVING at the HIGHEST LEVEL, FOR CHRIST!! 


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9