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Monday, October 26, 2015


Protestants don't normally believe in "redemptive suffering" ,or aren't even offered it on their local church menu of options,but Catholics are taught it,and I'm starting to feel more inclined towards it as well.

Informally, we "offer it up" by simply asking God in
our own words to use a suffering as it occurs; we
often do this for specific intentions (ex., "Use this
pain, Lord, for the salvation of my brother..."). We
might follow the example of the young St. Thérèse
of Lisieux and make use of Sacrifice Beads, or the
extraordinary among us might make the Heroic Act
of Charity for the souls in Purgatory.
It's quite a discipline to react to suffering this way!
In mental or physical pain? Drop something on
your toe? Putting up with a co-worker who is
making your life a living Hell? Enduring the
constant ache of arthritis? Standing in line at the
grocery and hating every minute of it? Spill the
milk? Accept these things in peace, and ask God to
use them for the good of the Church or for a more
specific intention close to your heart. This isn't
easy to do (and I in no way claim to be good at it),
but it does make the suffering more meaningful
and less -- well, less insufferable!..."