Christianity Today Magazine

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


HERE IS A "HAIL MARY" ALTERNATIVE for PROTESTANTS, CALLED "HAIL JESUS"...I know many protestants object to "praying to mary" (albeit Catholics will object that they are not praying to mary but asking Mary to intercede in prayer for them...their reasoning being that persons & saints who lived superior lives than us have more powerful & effective prayers, and therefore the more we ask them to intercede for us via "intercessory prayer", the better are our chances of a good outcome. Thus, they are not really praying to Mary in the same way we pray directly to God & Jesus. Nonetheless, I too sometimes feel a little uncomfortable saying the "hail mary " over and over (having not grown up Catholic, but Protestant) and so I have started a "Hail Jesus" alternative. My reasoning is that if we can ask Mary to pray for us, why not ask Jesus to pray for us directly. He is, of course, the greatest "human" that ever lived, being the God-man. So here it is (watch the video). It goes something like this:
Hail Jesus, Full of Grace & Love, Blessed Art Thou Amongst All, and Blessed is Thy Mother Mary Who Carried Ye in her Womb. Holy Jesus, Son of God, Pray for us Sinners now & in the hour of our Death. Amen.

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28