Christianity Today Magazine

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

MY COMMENTARY: "Watch this"is a worn out phrase in radio sermons

I LISTEN to a lot of radio preaching as I travel to-and-fro in my ministry vehicle, and I've noticed recently that there are a few radio preachers who love to say "Watch this!" before they think they are making an important or  controversial point. I'm not sure where this trend began but it seems like some of the older preachers have caught on to it and use thinking it makes their preaching more dynamic and exciting, but it is now an over-used phrase. Of course it is a non-sequitur as well because we aren't watching him preach and he isn't actually doing anything visual, so in the minds of those saying it I think they believe it is kind of "cute" or clever to use it in a paradoxical manner. But when you hear it from too many preachers you know it's over-used and no longer catchy but becoming annoying. Just thought I would let you know. Pass it on.

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28